Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eventful weekend,

No school, went to EV, Dropped off baby Meatball for Minh, said hi to Rohan, ran into Jordan. Went home, SFC Fiesta. Hahaha, Dante, you got cute, not gonna lie. I'd hit it! Zipper w/Penny, he made me laugh cause he was so funny and couldn't scream cause he couldn't breathe! Good ass night, came home w/a headache.

Parents left to Sac, woke up, Jamba Juice, then Tony swooped me and we went to Eastridge to pick up my sisters. Then OSH, then parents came home, took us to SFC Fiesta again, met up with Josh, Tyler, Anthony, Angie, Vinny, Penny, and Jordan. Went back to Josh's house. :( I'm such an easy target for people to pick on me. Vinny took me back to SFC, and then I said bye to Danteeee. After, went home w/another fucken headache.

Today's the kickback day! Relax and shit. Shit on my mind, and I've decided that I'm done. For good! (= Happy with my decision, hope it stays that way!